
CCBHC Vision Paper Cover

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs): A Vision for the Future of Community Behavioral Health Care

CCBHCs receive funding at rates that allow them to expand access to comprehensive mental health and substance use care, and offer 24/7 services to anyone who walks in the door, no matter their ability to pay. The results have been transformative — amidst a national mental health crisis, record high overdose death rates and an ongoing behavioral health workforce shortage, the CCBHC model successfully lowers barriers to accessing care while equipping clinics with the resources to expand services, reduce wait times and better recruit and retain staff.

In 2023, BBS worked with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing to research and write a first of its kind resource for CCBHCs, states and other stakeholders to spark innovation around leveraging the CCBHC model to expand access to high-quality care. CCBHCs: A Vision for the Future of Community Behavioral Health Care outlines a national vision for excellence in community behavioral health care.

Integrated Care Financing Toolkit for Providers

In partnership with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing's Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions, BBS has developed a suite of tools to assist provider organizations in financing integrated care.

Community mental health care, substance use treatment and primary care provider organizations can use the Decision Support Tool to explore available billing codes and estimate Medicare and Medicaid revenue for prominent integrated care services, including medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and care coordination.

Click here to explore these tools and resources on the National Council for Mental Wellbeing’s website.

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs): Transforming State Behavioral Health Systems

CCBHCs have dramatically increased access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment in the United States. A growing number of states are using this model to address complex challenges, from rising levels of drug overdoses and suicide, to longstanding issues with fragmentation of mental health and substance use from primary care systems.

BBS supports the National Council for Mental Wellbeing’s CCBHC Success Center in developing technical assistance for CCBHCs.

In 2021, BBS conducted a national environmental scan on behalf of the National Council to assess the impact of CCBHC implementation. To learn more, read Transforming State Behavioral Health Systems: Findings from States on the Impact of CCBHC Implementation.

Innovations in Telehealth During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated behavioral health needs in the United States, resulting in a pivot to telehealth services for mental health and substance use services to fill gaps in care. Even now, providers continue to grapple with the implications.

In 2022, BBS partnered with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing on the report: Innovations in Telehealth in Behavioral Health During COVID-19.

Funded by the California Health Care Foundation and developed for mental health and substance use treatment providers, this report explores the implications of the rapid adoption of telebehavioral health services during COVID-19, including successes, challenges, innovations and future considerations.

Oral Health and Behavioral Health Integration

Oral Health and Behavioral Health Integration

BBS worked with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions to research and create resources exploring the intersection of oral health, mental health and behavioral health.

Oral Health, Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment: A Framework for Increased Coordination and Integration offers practical suggestions, resources, strategies and on-the-ground examples for implementation of innovative care models.

Environmental Scan of Oral Health and Behavioral Health Integration Models provides an overview of emerging models of behavioral and oral health integration.

Illinois Court Monitor Assessment Reports

BBS works with the court-appointed monitor to prepare and write the annual performance assessment of the State of Illinois’ compliance with the consent decree requirements of the Williams v. Pritzker and Colbert vs. Pritzker cases, which were brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Read the Colbert v. Pritzker Assessment Compliance Report (FY 2020).